Hector Greve
I didn’t know my Great Uncle very well before
I did
interview, so this project was an excellent way to get to know my Great
Uncle and listen to his experiences as a soldier. My Great Uncle Hector
Greve fought in the Pacific during World War II. He was a marine in the
Fourth Regiment of the 6th Division. At home, before he was even 18, he
already had three brothers in the war, Ronnie, John, and Bob. So, when
told his mother that he wanted to join the army, she understandably
him that he couldn’t because three sons in the service are
enough. |

Draft and Boot Camp

However, when he became 18 he was drafted. After
he was
drafted he was
asked by a recruiting agent what he would like to serve in. A couple
months in the past, he had made a bet with a friend that he could get
into the Marines. So, he said "Marines." The recruiting agent told him
they weren’t taking Marines at this time, but another officer
had been
walking by and stopped by Hector and said to the recruiting officer,
put him in the Marines.” He was then shipped off to training
in Paris
Island, South Carolina, in what was known as Paris Island Boot Camp. He
was known as an East Coast Marine. Training for the Marines was no easy
task. Boot Camp was very strict and had to get you in prime physical
condition. One of the most important training exercises was going on
hands and knees below barbed wire. This was good because you would hit
the barbed wire if you rose too high. This was great practice for real
battle, because when you were crawling in a real battle, if you rose
high you were shot. He was at boot camp for 60 days until he was to be
shipped out to the Pacific. He went to North Carolina, then to Fort
Pendleton in California, then over the Pacific onto the first island
was taken, Russell Island. Shortly after, Hector left for Guadalcanal.
After months more of training went by, he was moved to Guam. Soon
after that, he left for Okinawa. |

Here is a map of
the assualt on Okinawa
Okinawa's Beaches
The military strategy for taking Okinawa had four main
phases, the advance onto the eastern coast, the clearing of the
part of the island, the occupation of the outlying islands and then the
main battle against the dug in Japanese on their hillsides. Up until
Okinawa, he had been on
that the Marines had already taken and were secured. On Okinawa the
battle began. The capture of Okinawa was to begin on April 1st, 1945,
Easter Sunday and Hector’s 19th birthday. When
ship arrived near the shore, he would have to climb off the ship, down
the rope ladders and get into an amphibious vehicle that would drive
itself close to the shore then use tires on the bottom to get traction
against the coral and drive straight up the beach. The landing was
organized into waves; my Uncle was in the 5th wave. His first task on
that day was 105 AMMO. That meant that he was responsible for carrying
the ammunition for the AA (anti-aircraft) guns that had to be set up
the beach was secured. The beach was taken without much resistance
because the Japanese, realizing the extremely large and strong presence
of the Naval force present would make any large battle costly, had
onto the hills and dug in where naval fire was nearly useless. Despite
pulling their men off the beaches, the Japanese did make it difficult
the marines. One of Hector’s most terrifying memories was one
“strafing planes”. Strafing planes were planes
that would go into a dive
towards the ground and constantly fire round after round at the ground
hope of hitting enemy soldiers. My Great Uncle remembers looking around
for cover that wasn’t there. He said it was the scariest
night of his
life. There were no foxholes dug out, so all he had were the ammo
containers as cover. It was a terrible experience as
‘Corpsman’ calls,
calls that marked a man was down, injured or worse, were common. The
he said, was lit up with bullets called ‘tracers’.
Tracers were found in
every fourth bullet in a round. It let the pilot or the AA gunners know
where their shots were going even in the night. It was a terrible time
the drop of a hat determined whether you got hit or not. My Uncle
was lucky enough to have survived without being hit.
Sugarhill and the
Purple Heart
After the beach was secured, my Uncle’s
was sent to
secure the North part of the island. They secured the Northern area
little resistance and after 4 days they went towards a region called
Naha. On the way south, they met serious resistance. The Japanese had
into the hills and built small railroad segments for large artillery.
Every night they would roll out these huge guns and shoot down at the
U.S. troops all night. Then, during the day U.S. planes would bomb the
areas so much you wouldn’t think that anything would be
coming out at
all. Then that night the guns would roll out again and fire down on the
troops. My Uncle was on the front line for one of the battles leading
south, the battle for Sugar Loaf Hill. During the initial assault or
forward movement, shrapnel from a mortar shell from a rotating
gun hit him. He wasn’t killed, but he was injured by it. He
could hear
the “CORPSMAN!” calls when he was hit and he said
that they were very
quick and very organized at getting him in a stretcher and taking him
the field hospital. After he recovered from his injury, he returned to
the battle, but he stayed with HQ, or headquarters which progressed as
the front line did, except farther behind, coming with supplies and
ammunition. He received a Purple Heart medal for his
injuries. After
months of supply duty, 24 May came and he was discharged
from the army.
Sixty years later, it’s still difficult to talk about certain
parts of
the war and the people who were lost, but my Uncle Hector is proud of
time in the Marines and his service to his country. |

Here is a copy of
the Purple Heart Certificate